Export Data

Q: Our Orthoptist has been entering post operative data for surgical outcomes. The Dr. would like to know if we can export this data into an excel spreadsheet?

A: Yes.  Go to the Formula and Lens Constant Analysis  Screen from the Main Menu.  Select the SURGEON, LENS (or ALL LENSES), FORMULA and Axial Length (Optical) as shown below.

The SELECTION CRITERIA allows you to FILTER FOR CERTAIN CASES, but the default is to use the STANDARD STATISTICAL CRITERIA up to 200 cases.  If you want more you can choose the 2nd options which lets you select more cases.  Next you simple SELECT EXPORT ALL and it will ask you where you want to put the CSV FILE.  You can then open this file with EXCEL and then save it as an EXCEL FILE (*.xlsx), so that you can use all of the EXCEL FUNCTIONS.