The Short version
On, click on DOWNLOADS and download the latest version. Run the download with administrative privileges to install the program. The new install will generate a new registration number which you email to and we will reply with an UNLOCK KEY.
The long version
Scroll down looking for "STEP 1" for actual install instructions.
Please Note
You cannot install on Windows 3.1, 95, 98, or ME, or Windows RT. You must install on Windows 10 or Windows 11. The last version to support Windows 2000 is 2010.0821. The last version to support Windows XP is 2016.1210.
Always run the latest version of the software. The latest version is available at
Anti-virus and firewall software frequently interferes so disabling security software is a good idea. You may re-enable it after you run the program for the first time.
The program will run for 30 days after installation before an unlock key is needed.
Multiple workstations accessing the same database should run the same version. So updating one necessitates updating the others.
Installation requires ADMINISTRATOR Rights
When using the program you don’t need administrative rights. However, you do need administrative rights when
installing the program
running the program for the first time
entering the unlock key
Windows uses UAC (User Account Control) to facilitate temporary escalation of your rights to ADMINISTRATOR. So getting ADMINISTRATOR rights is easy. Right-click the dowvnloaded, install program and click "RUN AS ADMINSTRATOR" when installing to force it to run with ADMINISTRATOR privileges. FYI, it is possible for UAC to be disabled and then it would be impossible for Windows to install with ADMINISTRATOR privileges.
Step 2 - Run the installation program.
The installation program requires ADMINISTRATOR privileges. Please read above about this.
Accept all defaults during the install.
Step 3 - Run the application for the first time.
Important: The program must have administrative privileges the first time it’s run and when you enter the unlock key.
REGISTRATION FORM - You will be presented with a REGISTRATION form. Fill in the form and click TRY PROFESSIONAL or TRY DELUXE now to use the program. When you are ready you can UNLOCK the program.
DATABASE INITIALIZATION - A dialog will be presented to initialize the database. Please select the option to create a new database (Option A) and press OK.
And now you are all done!
Frequent causes of installation problems
Security software gets in the way.
In-correct file permissions on database file and folder.
Not having installed Microsoft Windows updates.
Not being able to authenticate as an ADMINSTRATOR using UAC. Possible causes include not knowing the appropriate Windows user accound and password and UAC being disabled.